Kamineni Hospital in Hyderabad offers comprehensive treatment for a wide range of nephrological disorders. Nephrological disorders like acute kidney injury, end-stage kidney disease, kidney stones, and transplants. Excellent patient care and treatment with cutting-edge technology have made Kamineni Hospital one of the best nephrology hospitals in Hyderabad.
The greatest gift that you can give your family and the world is a healthy you. Experienced and Top Nephrology Doctors at Kamineni are creating a better future by treating complex kidney diseases effectively. We are privileged to be one of the few centres in the country to deliver both cadaver and live donor transplantation.
Nephrology is an internal medicine speciality that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases. Specialists in Nephrology are known as Nephrologists. Nephrologists are also referred to as renal specialists because renal is used to describe anything involving, affecting, and surrounding the kidneys.
Nephrologists are involved in the study of systemic conditions that affect the kidneys such as diabetes and autoimmune diseases. Along with diseases that occur as a result of kidney diseases such as hypertension or hypothyroidism. Generally, Nephrologists often care for patients for a long period, managing their kidney problems through end-stage renal failure. If none of these treatments works, patients may be referred for dialysis or a kidney transplant.


Kidney diseases can be classified into two types
Acute Kidney Injury  If the kidney function fails within just a short time it is known as Acute Kidney Injury.
Chronic Kidney Diseases If the kidney fails gradually over months or years then it is known as chronic kidney disease.
Symptoms of these types may overlap but the speed and nature of symptoms developed will provide nephrologists with all the information they need. Unfortunately, most people may not see symptoms until their kidney diseases get worse. The earlier you recognize these symptoms the better it would be.
Here are some of the symptoms you’ll notice during the early stages of kidney diseases.
  • Acute renal failure, is a sudden loss of renal function
  • Chronic kidney disease, declining renal function, usually with an inexorable rise in creatinine.
  • Hematuria, blood in the urine
  • Proteinuria is the loss of protein especially albumin in the urine
  • Kidney stones are usually only recurrent stone formers.
  • Chronic or recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Hypertension that has failed to respond to multiple forms of anti-hypertensive medication or could have a secondary cause
  • Electrolyte disorders or acid/base imbalance
We have the best and top nephrology doctors at Kamineni Hospitals who can effectively perform both cadaver and live donor transplantation. Our seasoned nephrologists are equipped with world-class equipment and extensive training in the field to treat common to complex kidney diseases.


Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT)
Acute Kidney Injury or sudden kidney failure leads to fluid and uremic toxins building up in the body. At such times the CRRT process is used to filter out all the wastes and water from the body gently. CRRT is a blood purification therapy in which a patient’s blood passes through a special filter. A filter that removes fluid and uremic toxins and returns clean blood to the body.
This process is a time-consuming process usually done for 24 hours or more to help patients with unstable blood pressure and heart rates. It is used in two types of the process such as hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.


Liver Dialysis (MARS Therapy)
The Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System or MARS therapy is one of the most prominent techniques for liver dialysis. Liver dialysis is performed to buy time for people suffering acute kidney failure. Later medical professionals may recommend liver transplants or surgical treatment.
This process is based on the concept of albumin dialysis and quite effectively eliminates the protein-bound and water-soluble toxins. Medical professionals consider this type of liver dialysis based on conditions like The current condition of the liver, Chances of curability, and Cause of liver dysfunction.
Kidney Transplant
Kamineni Hospital with the help of state-of-the-art equipment and advanced diagnostic tools and medicine helps patients with kidney failures. Our seasoned team of top nephrologists performs dialysis and transplants of kidneys and liver with a high rate of success. Kamineni Hospital is proud to be one of the centres in the country where both cadaver and live donor transplantation are done.
Kidney Transplant Types
Subspecialties of Nephrology
Kamineni Hospitals has been providing the most effective treatment and care for our patients suffering from kidney diseases. Some of our nephrologists are specialized in particular diseases or processes to meet the personalized treatment needs of patients. Some of the most common nephrology subspecialties are
Critical care Nephrologist
Critical Care Nephrologists are highly qualified and experienced with modern technologies in renal replacement methods. They offer improved delivery of dialysis to critically ill people. This type of nephrologist cares for patients suffering from kidney diseases such as electrolyte and metabolic imbalances, poisoning, severe sepsis, major organ dysfunction, and more.
Kidney Dialysis
Nephrologists perform dialysis when a patient’s kidney gets into the end stage. In this stage, nearly 85 to 90 percent of your kidney function is lost. Dialysis is performed to keep your body in balance by doing your kidney functions. Dialysis helps you remove waste, salt, and extra water to prevent them from building up in the body. Also, it helps in keeping specific chemicals in your body controlled or under healthy levels, along with blood pressure.
Pediatric Nephrologist
Pediatric Nephrologists deal with the diagnosis, investigation, and management of chronic and acute kidney diseases, especially in young children. Also, they provide care for dialysis and renal transplantation. Medical specialists in this department are well knowledgeable about renal physiology, including renal fluid management.
Kidney Transplantation
Kidney Transplantation is a medical procedure that involves replacing a kidney from one body to another because the kidney fails to function. A kidney is removed from one body and transplanted into the other body replacing missing or damaged organs.

Meet Our Specialists

At Kamineni Hospitals, we strive to offer healthcare excellence through concerted efforts by an esteemed panel of medical experts who consistently strive to enhance as many lives as possible.
About Me


Qualifications: MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), DM Nephrology (OGH)

Occupation: Sr. Consultant Nephrologist & Transplant Physician

About: One of the most promising Nephrologist in Hyderabad, Dr. A. Santosh kumar completed Nephrology in Osmania general hospital and medical college and completed Internal Medicine from Kurnool general hospital and medical college.

Expertise: Chronic Kidney Disease, Renal Transplant, Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis, CAPD, Diabetes, Hypertension, Connective Tissue Disorders, Pre Dialysis Management Of CKD, Nephrotic Syndromes.

About Me

Dr. B. Sai Kanth Kumar

Qualifications: MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Nephrology)

Occupation: Consultant Nephrologist & Transplant Physician

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At Kamineni Hospitals, we believe that nothing is impossible, even if it’s a complicated rare surgery! Our seasoned team of medical professionals is always prepared to take challenges head-on, watch the videos to know more.

Woman, Your Health First | Dr. A. Santosh Kumar

Kidney Health & Disease – What Should You Know?

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At Kamineni Hospitals, Every patient is taken care of with utmost attention. Even if it is a trauma case or a medical emergency, our team of efficient doctors attends to them with the utmost care. Patients walk out with their hearts filled with gratitude and happiness.

Kidney Transplant Success Story

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