Based on patients’ medical conditions and health, Anaesthesiologists will recommend the following types of Anaesthesias.
Local Anaesthesia:
General Anaesthesia:
Regional Anaesthesia:
Cardiac Anaesthesia or Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology
Pediatric Anaesthesia or Pediatric Anaesthesiology
Obstetric Anaesthesia or Obstetric Anaesthesiology
During and “Post-Operation”
Emergency Medical Care
Meet Our Specialists

- Dr. V Lal Meher Pradeep
- MBBS, DA, DNB, Indian Diploma in Regional Anaesthesia
- Consultant Liver Transplant Anaesthetist & Critical Care Physician

Dr. V Lal Meher Pradeep
Qualifications: MBBS, DA, DNB, Indian Diploma in Regional Anaesthesia
Occupation: Consultant Liver Transplant Anaesthetist & Critical Care Physician
Expertise: • Pre Anaesthetic Assessment • Administering Anaesthesia and Analgesia for routine and emergency surgeries in various surgical specialties – Orthopaedics and Trauma, General surgery. Vascular surgery, E.N.T., Maxillo-facial and Dental surgery, Neuro surgery, Paediatric surgery, Gynaecology , Urology, HIPEC and ROBOTIC SURGERIES • Had good exposure in Liver and Kidney TRANSPLANT ANAESTHESIA • Providing Anaesthesia and Epidural Labour Analgesia in Obstetric Unit • Good experience in Acute and Chronic Pain management • Placing Central Venous lines, Arterial Cannulas and Epidural Catheters ( Lumbar and lower thoracic)
Education & Qualifications: • Fellowship in Liver Anaesthesiology and Critical Care in RELA INSTITUTE AND MEDICAL CENTER,Chennai. • DNB from MIOT INTERNATIONAL HOSPITALS, Chennai, Apr 2019 • INDIAN DIPLOMA IN REGIONAL ANAESTHESIA (IDRA), New Delhi, Feb 2017 • DA from AMRITA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, Kochi, May 2015 • MBBS from ANDHRA MEDICAL COLLEGE, Visakhapatnam, Apr 2008
Publication & Certifications:
Experience: Currently working in Kamineni Hospitals LB nagar Convener of CPR committee in Aster Ramesh Hospitals Patient Safety Officer in Aster Ramesh Hospitals

Qualifications: MBBS, MD
Occupation: Chief Cardiac Anaesthetist
Expertise: ● Administering Anaesthesia for Cardiothoracic and vascular surgical procedures OPCABG, On pump CABG, Valve replacements, Septal defect closures and minimally invasive cardiac surgeries ● Administering Anaesthesia for elective and emergency surgeries in various surgical specialties such as Orthopaedics, Trauma, General surgery, E.N.T., Maxillo-facial and Dental surgery, Neuro-surgery, Onco surgery, Paediatric surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Urology and Renal Transplants ● Ventilatory Management of Critically ill patients ● Placement of inter coastal drains for pneumothorax and haemothorax ● Placing Central Venous lines, Arterial cannulae and Epidural Catheters ● Performing Elective and Emergency Endotracheal Intubation, Submental intubation, Nasopharyngeal intubations, Airway blocks, Fiber optic guided bronchoscopic intubation ● Providing Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life Support for patients in medical emergencies ● Performing ultrasound guided nerve blocks for Upper and Lower limb surgeries ● Knowledge and interpretation of Transesophageal echocardiography ● Providing Monitored Anaesthesia Care (MAC) for patients in C.T./ M.R.I. Suites, Cath lab and Endoscopy/ERCP Suites ● Participation in Seminars, Workshops and Clinical Case Discussions
Education & Qualifications: ● DNB Anaesthesiology (2013 to 2016) from Kamineni Hospitals, LB Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana ● M.B.B.S from Chalmeda Ananda Rao Institute of Medical Sciences (2004-2009), Karimnagar, Telangana
Publication & Certifications: ● Comparative study of safety and efficacy of anaesthesia and analgesia between intrathecal Fentanyl and butorphanol as adjuvants with bupivacaine 0.5% heavy for lower limb orthopaedic procedures published in JMSCR Volume 06 Issue 03 March 2018 ● Prospective Study of Efficacy of Intracuff Dexamethasone, Lignocaine and Normal Saline on Post Extubation Response published in Academia Anesthesiologica International Volume 5 Issue 2 July-December 2020
Experience: ● working in kamineni Hospitals LB nagar ● Consultant Cardiac Anaesthesiologist in Department of CTVS at Kamineni Hospitals from May 2018 ● Registrar in Department of Anaesthesiology at Kamineni academy of medical sciences and research centre, Hyderabad from August 2016 to April 2018

Qualifications: MBBS, DA (Anaesthesia)
Occupation: Sr. Consultant Anaesthetist
Expertise: High Risk Cardiac patients for Non Cardiac Surgery Bariatric Surgery Hepatic Resections, Biliary & GI Surgery Maxillofacial Spine Trauma Difficult Adult, Paediatric IV Cannulation Chemo Port Placements
Education & Qualifications: MBBS – Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad. DA (Anaesthesia) - Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad.
Experience: Present Working as a Consultant Anaesthetist at Kamineni Hospitals, LB Nagar. Worked as Consultant Anaesthesiologist in Renova NIGL Hospital, Hyderabad for 3 Years. Consultant Anaesthesiologist at King Saud Medical City, Riyadh for 13 Years. Worked as Register for 3 years in Care Hospitals, Nampally & consultant for 4 years in Banjara Hills.
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