Anaesthesia has played a crucial role in making thousands of surgeries successful worldwide. Modern medicine and procedures would never be possible to carry out without the help of anaesthesia. In the olden days, different types of plants and other substances were used for Anaesthesia. Developments in medicine resulted in Anesthesia that are safe and effective.
Anaesthesia has played a crucial role in making thousands of surgeries successful worldwide. Modern medicine and procedure would never be possible to carry out without the help of Anaesthesia. In the olden days, different types of plants and other substances have been used as Anaesthesia. Developments in medicine resulted in Anaesthesias that are safe and effective.
Anaesthesia is nothing but medicine given to patients to relieve them from feeling pain during medical procedures and surgeries. Anaesthesiology is a medical speciality concerned with the total care for patients from the contemplation of surgery to during and after the surgery.


An Anaesthesiologist is a medical professional who practices Anaesthesia. They develop anaesthesia plans and provide care for the patient to prevent pain and distress. Patients will be put under a safe medical drug or anaesthesia that reduces patients’ awareness of the body or makes them unconscious. So doctors can perform surgery smoothly without causing inconvenience or pain to patients.
Anaesthesiologists first review your medical condition and history to plan the appropriate anaesthesia for patients undergoing surgery or other critical medical procedures. These are the different types of Anesthesia medical professionals use.
Based on patients’ medical conditions and health, Anaesthesiologists will recommend the following types of Anaesthesias.
Local Anaesthesia:
This type of Anaesthesia is used to numb a specific area of the body. Then surgery will be performed while you are awake but you won’t be feeling any pain or inconvenience because of Anaesthesia. Local Anaesthetics are used in procedures like cataract surgery, dental procedures, or skin biopsy.
General Anaesthesia:
This type of Anaesthesia will make you unconscious and insensitive to pain or other stimuli. Medical professionals can act on your whole body without causing any pain and inconvenience. It is mainly used for more invasive surgical procedures, or procedures on the head, chest, or abdomen.
Regional Anaesthesia:
This type of Anaesthesia is used to inject near the nerves to numb the area that will be operated on. These may be nerve blocks or spinal or epidural injections. While the surgeon carries out the surgical procedure, an Anaesthesiologist will monitor the patient’s bodily functions.
The sedation Anaesthesia procedure involves putting the patient in a mild sedative state where the patient will have a more natural sleep. However, they can be easily awakened or aroused. It has both light or moderate and deep sedation. Based on your surgery and procedure your Anaesthesiologist recommended the type of sedation.
Cardiac Anaesthesia or Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology
Cardiac Anaesthesia or Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology is one of the Anaesthesiology subspecialities that involves preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care for adults and paediatric patients undergoing surgery or other invasive procedures. It deals with Anaesthesia aspects of care during open-heart surgery, lung surgery, and other operations on the human chest.
Pediatric Anaesthesia or Pediatric Anaesthesiology
Pediatric Anesthesia or Pediatric Anaesthesiology is one of the medical specialties that deal with Anesthesia used for children during surgery and other related invasive procedures. With the help of paediatric Anaesthesia, paediatric surgeons can perform surgeries effectively.
Neuro-anaesthesiology deals with Anesthesia used for the nervous system, brain, and spinal cord, especially during surgery and invasive procedures.
Obstetric Anaesthesia or Obstetric Anaesthesiology
Obstetric Anaesthesiology deals with Anaesthesias used during or following childbirth. It helps in making the labour of childbirth painless, especially during C-section surgeries.
During and “Post-Operation”
Post-operative pain relief for a patient is as important if not more than the blocking of pain during a surgical procedure, to ensure the health and recuperation of the patient in question. After such procedures, anesthesiologists are responsible for advising the right kind of painkillers and other employable techniques for proper rest and relief after surgery.
During childbirth, the role of an anesthesiologist is doubly crucial as he/she is managing the lives of both the mother and the child. Administering an epidural or other advisable anaesthetic while ensuring proper sustaining of the vitals of both the mother and the baby becomes important.
Emergency Medical Care
The department of Anaesthesiology is also vital in many emergencies. Airway management, pulmonary resuscitation, advanced life support and pain control, are some of the duties taken up by our team of anaesthesiologists.
At Kamineni Hospital our expert team is equipped for any medical circumstance. Mechanical ventilatory therapy is offered for patients with respiratory diseases, cerebrovascular accidents, neurotrauma and neurosurgical patients. Our department is Recognized by the National Board of Examinations and offers PG degree courses in anaesthesiology (DNB).
We have the distinction of performing the first ‘awake cardiac surgery’ under epidural anaesthesia in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana. We have also successfully performed liver transplantations for adults and children.


Meet Our Specialists

At Kamineni Hospitals, we strive to offer healthcare excellence through concerted efforts by an esteemed panel of medical experts who consistently strive to enhance as many lives as possible.
About Me

Dr. V Lal Meher Pradeep

Qualifications: MBBS, DA, DNB, Indian Diploma in Regional Anaesthesia

Occupation: Consultant Liver Transplant Anaesthetist & Critical Care Physician

Expertise: • Pre Anaesthetic Assessment • Administering Anaesthesia and Analgesia for routine and emergency surgeries in various surgical specialties – Orthopaedics and Trauma, General surgery. Vascular surgery, E.N.T., Maxillo-facial and Dental surgery, Neuro surgery, Paediatric surgery, Gynaecology , Urology, HIPEC and ROBOTIC SURGERIES • Had good exposure in Liver and Kidney TRANSPLANT ANAESTHESIA • Providing Anaesthesia and Epidural Labour Analgesia in Obstetric Unit • Good experience in Acute and Chronic Pain management • Placing Central Venous lines, Arterial Cannulas and Epidural Catheters ( Lumbar and lower thoracic)

Education & Qualifications: • Fellowship in Liver Anaesthesiology and Critical Care in RELA INSTITUTE AND MEDICAL CENTER,Chennai. • DNB from MIOT INTERNATIONAL HOSPITALS, Chennai, Apr 2019 • INDIAN DIPLOMA IN REGIONAL ANAESTHESIA (IDRA), New Delhi, Feb 2017 • DA from AMRITA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, Kochi, May 2015 • MBBS from ANDHRA MEDICAL COLLEGE, Visakhapatnam, Apr 2008

Publication & Certifications:

Experience: Currently working in Kamineni Hospitals LB nagar Convener of CPR committee in Aster Ramesh Hospitals Patient Safety Officer in Aster Ramesh Hospitals

About Me


Qualifications: MBBS, MD

Occupation: Chief Cardiac Anaesthetist

Expertise: ● Administering Anaesthesia for Cardiothoracic and vascular surgical procedures OPCABG, On pump CABG, Valve replacements, Septal defect closures and minimally invasive cardiac surgeries ● Administering Anaesthesia for elective and emergency surgeries in various surgical specialties such as Orthopaedics, Trauma, General surgery, E.N.T., Maxillo-facial and Dental surgery, Neuro-surgery, Onco surgery, Paediatric surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Urology and Renal Transplants ● Ventilatory Management of Critically ill patients ● Placement of inter coastal drains for pneumothorax and haemothorax ● Placing Central Venous lines, Arterial cannulae and Epidural Catheters ● Performing Elective and Emergency Endotracheal Intubation, Submental intubation, Nasopharyngeal intubations, Airway blocks, Fiber optic guided bronchoscopic intubation ● Providing Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life Support for patients in medical emergencies ● Performing ultrasound guided nerve blocks for Upper and Lower limb surgeries ● Knowledge and interpretation of Transesophageal echocardiography ● Providing Monitored Anaesthesia Care (MAC) for patients in C.T./ M.R.I. Suites, Cath lab and Endoscopy/ERCP Suites ● Participation in Seminars, Workshops and Clinical Case Discussions

Education & Qualifications: ● DNB Anaesthesiology (2013 to 2016) from Kamineni Hospitals, LB Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana ● M.B.B.S from Chalmeda Ananda Rao Institute of Medical Sciences (2004-2009), Karimnagar, Telangana

Publication & Certifications: ● Comparative study of safety and efficacy of anaesthesia and analgesia between intrathecal Fentanyl and butorphanol as adjuvants with bupivacaine 0.5% heavy for lower limb orthopaedic procedures published in JMSCR Volume 06 Issue 03 March 2018 ● Prospective Study of Efficacy of Intracuff Dexamethasone, Lignocaine and Normal Saline on Post Extubation Response published in Academia Anesthesiologica International Volume 5 Issue 2 July-December 2020

Experience: ● working in kamineni Hospitals LB nagar ● Consultant Cardiac Anaesthesiologist in Department of CTVS at Kamineni Hospitals from May 2018 ● Registrar in Department of Anaesthesiology at Kamineni academy of medical sciences and research centre, Hyderabad from August 2016 to April 2018

About Me


Qualifications: MBBS, DA (Anaesthesia)

Occupation: Sr. Consultant Anaesthetist

About: About: Department: Anesthesiology Designation: Consultant Anaesthetist Experience: 26+ Years Location: LB Nagar

Expertise:  High Risk Cardiac patients for Non Cardiac Surgery  Bariatric Surgery  Hepatic Resections, Biliary & GI Surgery  Maxillofacial  Spine Trauma  Difficult Adult, Paediatric IV Cannulation  Chemo Port Placements

Education & Qualifications:  MBBS – Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad.  DA (Anaesthesia) - Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad.

Experience:  Present Working as a Consultant Anaesthetist at Kamineni Hospitals, LB Nagar.  Worked as Consultant Anaesthesiologist in Renova NIGL Hospital, Hyderabad for 3 Years.  Consultant Anaesthesiologist at King Saud Medical City, Riyadh for 13 Years.  Worked as Register for 3 years in Care Hospitals, Nampally & consultant for 4 years in Banjara Hills.

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